Gourd banjo kit

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    I’m super new to banjo. I found one in a thrift store last week and have been trying to teach myself from YouTube. Clawhammer is my fav at least listening to it. I got some ways to go still haha!

    Martin Newman

    Hey, now that I’m sort of officially your mate maybe you would share your name with me. IMO clawhammer is definitely the way to go and a Carver kit is well suited and good quality for playing that style. May I suggest considering taking an online course to jumpstart your banjo journey. I highly recommend checking out a clawhammer banjo course from Cathy Fink through Truefire.com. She offers 4 courses, 2 beginner and 2 intermediate. I’ve taken all 4. You have to pay but it’s not expensive, 1 time fee only rather than monthly commitment, and you can sign up for just the 1st 1 as a start. She’s a great instructor not to mention an amazing musician. You won’t be disappointed.


    My name’s Jack 🙂

    I really appreciate your advice Martin. I’ll definitely check out Cathy Fink’s courses – That’s a great tip mate and actually sounds perfect for me. Once I receive, burn and build the mountain banjo I’ll be sure to sign up.

    Martin Newman

    Hey Jack, Glad to know that you are interested in taking 1 of Cathy Fink’s courses. You can probably find some YouTube videos of course samples and her playing. And if you want to listen to some of her music in more depth check out her album from about 30 years ago called Banjo Haiku. It really showcases her mastery. Should be available on any streaming service. Your choice of a mountain banjo kit is a good one and will transport you musically right into Appalachia.


    Thanks so much Martin!

    Martin Newman

    I promise not to bombard you with constant banjo trivia but I did want to share this short YouTube link which really caught my attention when I 1st saw it. I’m guessing you may not be familiar with flatfooting. Check it out and I’m curious your reaction. Hope you can open this.


    Oh wow – that video is beautiful man. It kinda reminds me of whirling dervish music listening to it, almost sacred in it’s beauty. That space is amazing too, all the raw brickwork. Love that gourd sound as well – what a bop! Thanks for this one Martin.

    Claiborne Young III

    Franklin & Martin, those both look excellent! I hope mine turns out that good when I finally get to work on it.

    Bravo to both of you!


    Anyone have a video demo (sound/size) of the newer short scale gourd banjos for sale in the link below?

    Gourd Banjo Kit (Short-Scale)


    My short scale gourd build. I am very pleased with the kit and how it turned out 🙂

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    Martin Newman

    Your build looks great! I especially like the look of the head skin. Did you dye/stain it? Also, no wrinkles where the skin is tacked onto the gourd. What is the scale of this one? Mine is just under 25 inches.


    nice. did you substitute a bone nut? can’t wait to build mine!


    I used a ox bone saddle off amazon and just cut and filed it by hand. I am also going to use a wooden bridge just because its my preference, but I didn’t have a 5/8 one on hand so I’m waiting for it to come.

    I put a drop of black gel food coloring in the water while I soaked it just to darken it a tad. Its a 22″ scale.

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by quamtar.
    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by quamtar.
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