Cello banjos


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    I thought I might try kicking this forum off talking about my current obsession…the cello banjo.

    I don’t have a Carver (yet! as soon as sales for them open up I’m on it) but I currently have a 4 string gold tone. Really looking forward to experimenting with the 5 string. The 4 string I keep in traditional C-G-D-A cello tuning.

    It’s been an interesting journey since there just isn’t that much info around about them. I was playing through tenor rep on the banjo since the tuning is the same, but of course it felt kind of sluggish as that’s not really what it’s designed for. Now I’m playing through Bach cello suites, which of course work much better — but what else does everyone play on theirs?

    It’s a beguiling instrument, I can’t get enough of the sound — and that low C.

    Carver Banjos

    Hey Joshualouis, welcome to the forum!
    I love the sound of a banjo tuned low with nylon or gut strings. It sounds mellow and calming.
    I’ll link a few videos people have made playing their cello banjo kits.
    I plan to make all of my kits with the option for cello tuning. I’ve widened and standardized the neck widths across all the kits so they can accommodate the thicker strings. All the kits will come with a set of strings that allow you to choose if you want to equip it for cello tunings.


    That’s awesome! Love the versatility of design, that’ll be so fun to play around with.

    I agree, I Just find it such a calming sound — and calming to play. (Although I’ll admit I was practicing mine one night and straight up started falling asleep on my banjo.)

    The videos are great — the sound of a singer with the banjo is awesome, really digging the Wild Bill Jones video.

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