Steel string build

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    I am a new banjo player who started banjo by swearing off frets and steel strings, but my tastes are changing rapidly as I build and acquire more banjos. Long story short this new hardware kit was not performing with the nylon strings, it was having buzzing and tuning problems. So I wanted to try steel strings, which I know is not recommended. I came up with a tailpiece mod rather than making a whole new one. I used guitar string ‘balls’ in the tailpiece, and then put a brass rod on top for the loops to go over. It seems to work well, banjo is loud and sparkly. I don’t have any steel strings banjos to compare it to but I have included a sound sample. I tried to show two different hand positions/tones.


    Carver Banjos

    Thanks for sharing!
    Steel strings sound really nice with the plastic drumhead option. I like what you did to modify the tailpiece.
    I’d like to offer a steel string kit model in the future, the main thing that has been holding me back is I’m still looking for a reliable and cost effective supply of geared tuners and metal tailpieces.
    I’m sorry you had issues with the nylon strings. I don’t doubt you but I feel I should add that my kits with nylon strings will stay in tune and do not buzz when set up properly. There are a lot of factors that could cause these issues and I’d be glad to go into more detail on how to narrow them down and how to remedy it if anyone is having similar issues.


    Yeah I agree, the more I play it the more I like it. Very good power and sustain. But Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, my gourd kit and minstrel kit from you are both stalwarts in the tuning department unless its raining. I am sure I could have worked it out with further efforts, I did retighten the neck screws, add a tiny shim to sure up the neck and pot connection, and adjusted the neck angle. I was getting a very strange buzzing from the bottom string, elusively behind the bridge, but did not seem to be at the actual bridge. I was thinking it may be the way I tied it was not putting enough downward pressure on the bridge perhaps. Regardless, no further issues are happening. I purchased some cheap planetary tuners that I heard are actually good when rebuilt, so I have those on the way. With steel strings the wooden pegs are mighty touchy. I will report back if I get these tuners installed.

    Carver Banjos

    Would be great to see what you do with the planetary tuners! What’s your plan for the fifth string peg?
    I have had this buzz you speak of, in my case it comes from the knots/string ends at the leather tailpiece, vibrating against the drumhead. I folded a piece of paper and wedged it between the tailpiece and the head. I suppose the solution with the nylon strings is tie the knots on the top side of the tailpiece or trim them close on the underside. Anyway, obviously not an issue for you now with different strings.

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