Free Banjo Kit Giveaway

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  • #4900

    I have always been enamored with the sound of the banjo and wished I could play one. Now that I am retired I have the time to pursue this wish. I have just finished an introduction to jaw hammer class at the Algoma Traditional Music, Arts, and Crafts Camp on St. Joseph Island in Ontario, Canada and am fired up to get started. Winning one would be great but I will be ordering one if I don’t. Great videos by the way.

    Carver Banjos

    Thank you to everyone that has participated in this thread.
    I enjoyed reading the posts and hearing how you’ve all gotten into the banjo.
    It’s my hope that you all continue to check into the forums and post again in the future.
    I know some people have had trouble signing up for this forum and that is something I am working on figuring out. If you have tried to sign up but we’re unable to post please email me and I will try to resend confirmation emails. I will do another giveaway in the future when I have all of these technical issues sorted out so that everyone will have a fair chance to participate.

    Now, the winner, drawn at random from a hat: tpierc
    Please email your neck/fret choice for your 12” rim kit and shipping address to Brian at

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