Hey Brian,
I see that you’re offering necks other than minstrel on the new room hardware kits. Are these like the necks offered on the discontinued 12″ rim tackhead kits from last year?
Specifically, I wonder about the Americana. Is the 5th peg parallel or perpendicular to the frets?
Hey Chris, I can do either style, just let me know when you order.
The kit page is missing some photos and descriptions, I will be updating everything very soon, but they are available in the meantime. Thank you
Oh, very cool, thanks Brian!
I was snooping around for example pics of necks. On this kit, would it be the same as the Americana necks for the Mountain Banjo, or for the discontinued Americana kit? Or something totally different? Sorry for all the questions — I’m really excited!
Brian, I have an additional question about custom necks: can/would you be able to make a custom neck that is for example the exact width of the celebration minstrel kit but with one of the other peghead styles? Just wondering as I get closer to ordering the hardware kid. Thanks.