Banjo Kit

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  • #5690

    I have been cleaning up the family cabin where my (deceased) brother-in-law had been living. After reading about the mountain banjo in the FireFox 3 he left behind, I decided we need a mountain dulcimer somewhere in there.
    I found your awesome kit in Brown County’s Weed Patch web pages, so I went there to buy one. Sadly, they don’t carry them any more.
    Is it still possible to buy the kit at something resembling the price that it was offered at there?


    Carver Banjos

    Hello, thanks for joining the forum!
    My condolences to you and your family.
    Phew I think weedpatch ordered a batch of kits about 10 years ago and we have not touched back since as I stopped offering bulk availability because I can only make one banjo at a time. It just didn’t make business sense to sell through music stores at that time while my online sales were more than enough to keep me busy.

    I no longer offer those exact kits or prices. Back then I was using plywood for the mountain banjos and they were much more basic in construction. Please check out my offerings here on the site. The quality, construction, materials and playability have improved greatly over the past 10 years and I think they are well worth the price.


    I am very happy that you offer kits to the market and are making a living at it in these difficult times.

    My brother-in-law left the cabin pretty trashed. I’ve been driving down most weekends and hauling out as much as the car can hold, mopping, repairing cabinets, plumbing, and whatever else is needed. Sadly, he left me no money to accomplish the task.

    While I’m sure your current kits, are well worth the price. For my situation it will be best to choose a different path. Thank you for the conversation.

    Carver Banjos

    No worries and good luck with the clean up. That foxfire book you have is exactly what got me started on building banjos. It can be done with little money as they used to do back in the day.
    Thanks for posting and always welcome here.

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